How to get that holiday glow

Five transformative treatments for radiant skin

At a glance

  • Whether you’re battling aging skin, dullness, acne-prone skin, flabby facial contours, or pigmentation issues, there’s a solution for you.

As the holiday season approaches, many of us desire a radiant and glowing complexion to complement our festive spirit. Fortunately, with advancements in dermatology and aesthetic medicine, there are several transformative treatments available to address common skin issues.   
At least five treatments that can help you achieve a gorgeous holiday glow. Whether you’re battling aging skin, dullness, acne-prone skin, flabby facial contours, or pigmentation issues, there’s a solution for you.


Tackling aging skin
Treatment: PicoSure Pro and exosomes

As time takes its toll, our skin undergoes various changes that contribute to the appearance of aging. To combat this ASAP and be ready for holidays, we can use the transformative power of two formidable allies: PicoSure Pro and exosomes. Through a carefully tailored series of at least three PicoSure Pro sessions, observe as your pores tighten, pigmentations fade, your skin gains a newfound firmness, and an irresistible glow emanates from within. The journey doesn’t stop there. By harnessing the remarkable healing effects of exosomes, your skin undergoes a remarkable metamorphosis, leaving you with a luminous, rejuvenated canvas that is ready to captivate during the upcoming holiday festivities.


Addressing acne-prone skin
Treatment: Healite + Acne Clear Laser

In the pursuit of a holiday glow, it’s important to adopt a targeted approach to address acne breakouts and achieve clearer, healthier skin. Start by addressing the underlying causes of inflammation. Incorporate probiotics into your diet and reduce consumption of dairy-loaded milk and highly processed sugary food. Since it’s the holiday season and indulgence is inevitable, consider using medical-grade skincare products containing at least 20 to 40 percent AHAs (alpha hydroxy acids). 


These potent ingredients can help exfoliate the skin, reduce acne, and promote a smoother complexion. To complement your skincare routine, consider treatments like Healite therapy, which harnesses LED technology to stimulate collagen production and reduce inflammation. Additionally, the Acne Clear Laser treatment can be a valuable tool, offering a painless experience with minimal downtime. 


The Acne Clear Laser treatment uses a specialized laser device to emit controlled pulses of light onto the skin. The light is absorbed by blood vessels, reducing inflammation and promoting faster healing. It also targets acne-causing bacteria in deeper skin layers, preventing future breakouts.
By combining these approaches, you can effectively address acne-prone skin, and achieve the radiant, holiday-ready complexion you desire.


Banishing dull skin
Treatment: Dermablate laser + PRP cocktail

Embrace a radiant holiday glow by taking a targeted approach to combat dull skin with a powerful combination of treatments. Discover the rejuvenating benefits of Dermablate laser and micrococktails—a blend of Botox, hyaluronic acid, and platelet-rich plasma (PRP)—that work synergistically to revitalize your complexion. 


The Dermablate laser treatment gently resurfaces the skin, eliminating dead cells and stimulating collagen production for a smoother, more luminous appearance. Complementing this, the micrococktails feature Botox, hyaluronic acid, and the remarkable effects of platelet-rich plasma (PRP). PRP is derived from your own blood and contains crucial growth factors that help stimulate skin regeneration and enhance collagen production. 


This natural boost contributes to improved skin texture, firmness, and overall radiance. Botox relaxes facial muscles, reducing the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles, while hyaluronic acid plumps the skin with moisture, restoring youthful vibrancy. Experience the transformative potential of this dynamic combination and embrace a rejuvenated, radiant complexion just in time for the holiday season. 


For an additional boost, consider incorporating chemical peels containing brightening ingredients like alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or vitamin C to further enhance skin luminosity and restore radiance.


Contouring for  a V-shaped Face
Treatment: Botox, dermal filler, Sculptra, and threads

Botox injections effectively relax overactive facial muscles, reducing their prominence and contributing to a more sculpted appearance. Dermal fillers, such as hyaluronic acid-based fillers, can restore lost volume to areas like your cheeks and jawline, helping to create the desired V-shaped face.

 Additionally, Sculptra, a collagen-stimulating filler, can gradually stimulate collagen production for longer-lasting results and overall facial rejuvenation. Thread lifting is another innovative approach that involves the insertion of dissolvable threads to lift and tighten sagging skin, providing further contouring effects. It’s important to consult a qualified professional who can tailor the treatment to your specific needs, ensuring personalized care and natural-looking results.


Tackling body like bloating issues
Treatment: Emsculpt Neo, Emtone, CoolSculpting, Scizer

As the holiday season approaches, individuals may find themselves concerned about their bodies and looking for ways to boost their confidence. Advanced aesthetic treatments like Emsculpt Neo, Emtone, CoolSculpting, and Scizer offer transformative possibilities. 


Emsculpt Neo combines radiofrequency and high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy to burn fat and build muscle, sculpting the body without surgery. Emtone utilizes radiofrequency and targeted pressure energy to improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of cellulite. CoolSculpting targets specific areas with controlled cooling to eliminate unwanted fat cells. 


Scizer combines radiofrequency energy and liposuction-like technology for localized fat reduction and skin tightening. By exploring these treatments, individuals can achieve body confidence and feel their best during the holiday season.


This holiday season, don’t let skin and body concerns dampen your spirits. Embrace the transformative power of these treatments and reveal a radiant and glowing complexion. Remember to consult with a qualified professional, such as a dermatologist, who can assess your specific needs and recommend personalized treatment options. By taking proactive steps to address aging skin, dullness, acne-prone skin, flabby facial contours, or pigmentation issues, you’ll be ready to shine and enjoy the festivities with confidence and beauty. Cheers to a holiday season filled with a luminous glow!