Setting up my cloud desktop


Photo by Growtika on Unsplash

This morning I decided to give Oracle Cloud another try. I have been having issues creating an account there several months ago, so maybe this time I'd get lucky. Well, unfortunately, even with different credit cards, Oracle's payment validation service still won't allow me to create an account. Bummer! If you know an Oracle Cloud guy who can help, let me know please.

Since I have decided to create a cloud-based Linux desktop today, I thought maybe I'd give AWS a try. We have been using AWS at work, but our tech folks are the ones managing it. This time I'd jump in and play with it. So off I went to create my AWS account (and yes, my debit card, not credit card, was accepted!) and spun off a free-tier t3.micro with Ubuntu Linux. The AWS Linux server was up and running in 20 minutes, including having my domain point to it, adding an account, hiding it behind CloudFlare, and updating the operating system. 

Since this is going to be used as a desktop, I configured VNC for remote desktop connections with graphical user interface (GUI). This took awhile since I hit a snag configuring it, but eventually got it to work (as they say, K.I.S.S.). Using Screens on the iPad, I was able to create the SSH tunnel and connect to the AWS Linux server. I tried VNC Viewer, but it does not support SSH tunneling (you need to do it separately). So Screens it is, even if it is restricted to the iPad (couldn't be bothered to purchase another license to run it on the Mac, besides it is expensive).

With VNC up and running, I added the AWS Linux server to my Tailscale network so I can route all VNC traffic through that, instead of using the public IP (yep, have ufw restricting it). My Raspberry Pi can now talk with the AWS Linux server via tailscale (configured it to have a restricted one-way communication, to protect my home network). Neat. 

With remote desktop and private network setup, the next thing to do is to have a web browser. I installed Firefox straight from the Ubuntu repository and it was installed via snap. Snap! yeah, for some reason, it was having issues with vncservice not in the same cgroup or something. I tried several suggested solutions, but none worked. One last thing to try is to install directly via apt and not via snap. Boom! It worked! Yep, a working Firefox browser on my cloud-based Linux desktop! Sorry, I don't support Chrome - so none of those Chrome/Chromium-based browsers for me.

Why create a cloud-based Linux desktop? Well, I have a Linux server (Raspberry Pi) and two Ubuntu laptops (used by the kids), but I usually just bring an iPad (iPad Pro or iPad Mini). Having access to a Linux desktop provides me with some added flexibility that iPadOS couldn't provide, and I rarely bring my Macbook Pro anymore (too heavy). Yeah, I know I can get a lightweight Chromebook, nuke it and install Linux - but that still means bringing another device along with the iPad. I'd rather not carry another device unless it's a Steam Deck, right? BTW, I'm accepting donations, too.

Now it is time to install all other applications that I'll need. Any particular suggestions? Hit me up on social at