Romualdez has sharp words for China 

At a glance

  • House Speaker Martin Romualdez hurled sharp remarks toward China on Sunday, Dec. 10 following the latest attack on Philippine vessels in the West Philippine Sea (WPS).


House Speaker Martin Romualdez (PPAB)








House Speaker Martin Romualdez hurled sharp remarks toward China on Sunday, Dec. 10 following the latest attack on Philippine vessels in the West Philippine Sea (WPS). 

"These actions by the China Coast Guard (CCG), in preventing our vessels from conducting a peaceful resupply mission to Filipino fishermen near Bajo de Masinloc (Scarborough Shoal), demonstrate a brazen disrespect for the rule of law and established international agreements," Romualdez said in a statement. 

"The attack on the Datu Sanday, Datu Bankaw, and Datu Tamblot, which were on a vital humanitarian and support mission, is not only a blatant disregard for international norms but also a direct challenge to the sovereignty and rights of the Philippines," noted the leader of the 300-plus strong House. 

Romualdez was referring to the three vessels of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) that had been subjected to the "aggressive actions" of the CCG. 

"The use of water cannons and long-range acoustic devices against our vessels, causing significant damage and distress to our crew, is unacceptable and unjustifiable," said the Lakas-Christian Muslim Democrats (Lakas-CMD) president. 

The water cannon attack took place on the heels of the House's issuance of a resolution expressing the collective sense of the chamber in condemning China's continous incursions in the WPS. 

Romuldez blasted the CCG's action, calling it, by extension, "an affront to human dignity". 

"The acts of intimidation and harassment against Filipino fisherfolk, who depend on these waters for their livelihood, are not only a violation of their rights but also an affront to human dignity. To prevent the distribution of humanitarian support, as was the case in this incident, is not only illegal but also inhumane," he said. 

"We demand that Beijing take immediate and concrete actions to cease these aggressive activities and uphold the principles of international law," Romualdez continued. 



He expressed in no uncertain terms the country’s intention to stand its ground. 

"The Philippines stands firm in its sovereignty and jurisdiction over Bajo de Masinloc and its territorial sea. We will not be intimidated nor will we stand down in the face of these unwarranted and illegal actions. 

"We call upon China to respect our sovereignty, desist from actions that infringe upon it, and engage in peaceful dialogue to resolve disputes. The Philippines, as a sovereign nation, will continue to defend its rights and protect the interests of its people. We stand in solidarity with our fishermen and reiterate our unwavering commitment to safeguarding our national territory and maritime entitlements," he said.