7-day paid bereavement leave for workers sought in House

A Quezon City congressman is pursuing the enactment of a measure that would grant a fully paid, week-long bereavement leave to all employees in the event of an immediate family member’s death.

(Jarl Schmidt/ Unsplash)

For this purpose, Rep. Marvin Rillo of the city's 4th district penned and filed HB No.4340.

“The death of a loved one creates considerable physical, emotional and psychological burden on employees, who deserve a break from work to grieve and attend to funeral arrangements,” Rillo said.

Under the bill, private and public sector employees would be entitled to seven days of paid bereavement leave following the death of a spouse, biological or adoptive parent or child, or a full or half-blood brother or sister.

“The paid bereavement leave, once enacted, will go a long way in cultivating a truly compassionate workplace for every Filipino,” noted Rillo, a neophyte solon in the 19th Congress.

He said his measure “is in accordance with the right of employees to humane conditions of work, and consistent with the duty of the State to afford full protection to labor".

Te bereavement leave would be given on top of all paid leave benefits currently enjoyed by employees.

Employers would be prohibited from using the bereavement leave to reduce existing leave rights established by laws, decrees, executive orders, or any contract, agreement or policy. Employees who avail of bereavement leave would also be assured of security of tenure.

The bill further provides that: “Availment of the leave shall not be considered a misconduct or any form of unsatisfactory performance, nor can it be used as reason for demotion, suspension or termination from employment.”

Under the bill, employers who fail to grant the bereavement leave benefit would face punishment by a maximum fine of P20,000 or up to 30 days in prison.