Social Media Marketing Philippines is now part of the META Accelerator Program 2022

Neil Dimapilis, Founder of Social Media Marketing Philippines, has been chosen as part of the top 3% of community founders and builders worldwide, with 4.3k founders trying to join alongside six community builders here in the country.

This opens more opportunities to the community in terms of on-ground activations, partnerships with brands, and future events that can cater to many people interested in being educated and knowing more about Social Media Marketing and anything around the digital marketing industry.

The Community Accelerator program helps advance their leadership skills and allows them to utilize Facebook tools to deepen their community’s impact.

They are helped in three different ways:

Receive grant money to help fund work that advances their community’s goals. Their  Grant Management Partner is GlobalGiving.

Coaching & Development
Develop themselves and their community through a customized curriculum and personalized coaching to strengthen their community. Work on a development plan to execute an initiative of their choice.

Knowledge-share with fellow top community leaders, network with key players in the industry and access direct support.

Why Is Facebook Doing this?
In their discussions with community leaders over the last few years, They’ve learned that many seek support and guidance to grow their communities’ impact.

They want to take a holistic approach to support these communities. So, in addition to building the tools and educational resources they need, They’re also building programmatic ways to provide training, support, and funding to enable great communities to make an even more significant positive impact in the world.