Hong Kong increases minimum allowable wage, food allowance for domestic helpers

The minimum allowable wage (MAW) and food allowance for foreign domestic helpers (FDHs) in Hong Kong will be increased, the government announced on Friday, Sept. 30.

The Hong Kong government, in a statement, said the MAW for FDHs will be increased by 2.2 percent, from $4,630 to $4,730 per month.

Under the Standard Employment Contract for hiring FDHs, employers are also required to provide FDHs with food free of charge.

Employers may also choose to pay a food allowance in lieu.

"The food allowance will be increased by $23 from not less than $1,173 to not less than $1,196 per month," the government noted.

The new levels of the MAW and food allowance will apply to all FDH contracts signed on or after Oct. 1.

"The Government reviews the MAW for FDHs regularly. In accordance with the established practice, we have carefully considered Hong Kong's general economic and labour market conditions over the past year, as well as Hong Kong's near-term economic outlook, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in this year's review," a government spokesman said.

The Hong Kong government added the adjustment of the MAW and food allowance was in consideration of the affordability for employers and the livelihood of FDHs in the region.

Meanwhile, FDH contracts signed on or before Sept. 30 at the existing MAW of $4,630 per month and with food allowance of not less than $1,173 per month will still be processed by the Immigration Department (ImmD) provided that the applications reach the ImmD on or before Oct. 28.

The government said this will allow employers to have sufficient time to send the signed contracts to the ImmD for completion of the necessary application procedures.