DPWH, NEDA, commit support to infra projects related to food security, tourism

Officials of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) and the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) met and discussed infrastructure projects that will be prioritized in the next six years.

DPWH Secretary Manuel M. Bonoan said the discussions focused on the projects that will help food security, boost tourism-related empl;oyment, and building facilities to offer quality education.

Executives from the DPWH and NEDA attended the special briefing of the Committee on Flagship Programs and Projects of the House of Representatives on Wednesday, Sept. 7, wherein DPWH Senior Undersecretary Emil K. Sadain shared the status of the country’s flagship programs and projects.

“This intends to prioritize the construction of better farm-to-market roads; irrigation development programs that enhance agricultural production for food security; development of roads leading to adhere the revival, recovery, and resiliency of the tourism industry from the devastating effects of the Covid-19 pandemic; and building of resilient school buildings with comfortable and spacious classrooms towards the delivery of quality education,” Sadain said.

Sadain also disclosed that there are 119 infrastructure flagship projects (IFPs) that will be prioritized-- 76 are from the transport and mobility sector; 15 urban development sector; 11 water resources sector; three power and energy sector; 10 information communication technology sector; and four in the health sector.