‘Agents of compassion, not transmission’-- CHR

Commission on Human Rights (CHR)

The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) has urged Filipinos to exercise caution and be "agents of compassion" and not "agents of transmission" in the country’s fight against Covid-19.

It said the country's healthcare system is placed at risk during Covid-19 surges, especially since workers themselves need to isolate when they get sick.

"Healthcare workers with breakthrough infections will still need to undergo full 10-day isolation even if symptoms are mild -- that means our hospitals are at risk of being understaffed again," it said.

"Hence, we call everyone to be agents of compassion, not agents of transmission. Let us act with the utmost concern for our health workers, for kids and sick people, and for the people around us," it stressed.

Last July 12, Health Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire had said that despite the continuous rise in Covid-19 cases, the country as well as all its regions remain under low-risk case classification, the Department of Health (DOH) said on Tuesday, July 12.

Vergeire said the DOH recorded 10,743 cases from July 5 to July 11. Average daily cases stood at 1,535 the past week or 41 percent higher than the previous week, she said.

She added that most areas show a sharp increase in Covid-19 cases with the National Capital Region (NCR) showing the steepest increase, currently exceeding 650 cases per day. Cases have been increasing in the NCR since mid-May.

The CHR reminded the public that getting tested with "the right test at the right time" is crucial after getting exposed. While antigen tests help people determine the need to isolate, it has its limitations. The CHR said it is best to take this test when symptoms already manifest.

"While waiting for test results or when confirmed positive, isolate, isolate, and isolate. Once confirmed, isolate for full 10 days from symptom onset (if with symptoms) or from time the test was taken (if asymptomatic)," the CHR said.

The CHR added that people should not take lightly exposure to a suspect or confirmed Covid-19 case. Those who have been vaccinated should quarantine for seven days, while those who are unvaccinated should quarantine for 14 days, it said.

For those who have mild symptoms, the CHR urged the use of the checklist provided by the DOH to care for themselves at home or get professional advice from telemedicine hotlines.

"This shall help in keeping our hospital beds open for severe and critical Covid-19 cases, children who are not yet vaccinated as well as other patients suffering from non-Covid illnesses," it added.