DSWD expands peace program coverage


The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) has expanded the coverage of its peace-building programs to address various risks and vulnerabilities among insurgent groups.

Aside from former rebels (FRs), their families, and households in conflict-affected areas and vulnerable communities (CAVs), the DSWD said that access to social welfare and development programs and services for former violent extremists (FVEs) and their families is now guaranteed, as part of its continuous implementation of Executive Order No. 70 (EO 70) series of 2018, or an Act institutionalizing the Whole-of-Nation approach in attaining inclusive and sustainable peace.

Citing Memorandum Circular No. 2 series of 2022 (MC 2), which operationalizes the coverage expansion, DSWD said that former violent extremists are those who were members of the Abu Sayyaf Group, Maute Group, Dawlah Islamiyah, Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters, Turaife Group, and other violent extremist groups as may be defined by the Task Force Balik-Loob and likewise must be duly certified by concerned Joint Armed Forces of the Philippines-Philippine National Police (AFP-PNP) Intelligence Committee.

Likewise, it pointed out that MC 2 provides a clear, responsive, and seamless process in the delivery of social protection packages to the target clients and households of EO 70 through more defined procedures, requirements, and eligibility.

“It also aims to ensure convergence of efforts in all levels within the Department in the provision of various programs and services for all former rebels, former violent extremists, their families, and households in CVAs, in close coordination with the different stakeholders mandated under the EO 70,” DSWD said in a statement.

With this, DSWD further joins other government agencies in the provision of a menu of interventions to end all local armed conflict so that all beneficiaries will have an improved level of well-being from the time they surface to the time they are fully reintegrated in society.

It also provides families in conflict-affected and vulnerable communities with equitable access to social services.

Meanwhile, DSWD continues to implement the EO 70 through the two-track concept to achieve a smooth transition and provision of services during the entire reintegration process of the targeted clients.

The first track focuses on providing assistance to individual FRs, FVEs and their families as they chose to reintegrate into civilian life and become productive and law-abiding members of society.

The assistance provided includes, but are not limited to, Sustainable Livelihood Program, Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situations, Psychosocial Interventions and other Protective Services, and Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program.

The second track is directed towards ensuring the delivery of social services to communities in conflict-affected and vulnerable areas, through different programs such as the Kapit-Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan-Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services, PAyapa at MAsaganang PamayaNAn, Social Pension, and Supplemental Feeding Program.

“The department is hopeful that through this expansion, more clients will benefit from DSWD’s support to the peace-building initiatives in fulfillment and attainment of a sustainable, just, and lasting peace,” DSWD said.