How to prevent and reduce food waste at home

Greenhouse gases from cars and factories are some of the main factors that contribute to global warming. But there’s another source of emission that’s not given enough attention but is equally important: food waste. 

Around one-third of food produced around the world goes to waste. The majority of this is thrown into landfill sites where it’s left to rot and release gases like carbon dioxide and methane which contribute greatly to global warming.

To minimize the threat of global warming due to food waste, here are some simple yet effective steps to prevent and reduce food waste from going to landfills. 

Photo by Sarah Chai from Pexels

Buying things in excess is one of the main reasons behind food waste. Before heading out to the grocery, make an inventory and list only the things needed. 

Another factor that contributes to food waste is leftovers forgotten in the fridge. To keep these from spoiling, organize the fridge and store leftovers in see-through or labeled containers so that consumers remember what’s in there. 

Learning how to cook leftovers can also help since consumers can find different ways to enjoy leftovers without letting them go to waste. 

If growing a garden, food waste can be used as compost to promote healthy growth in plants without having to use synthetic inputs. 

Food waste is a key factor in climate change. Luckily, households can play a part in mitigating its effects by decreasing the amount of food waste that they send out to the environment. These steps may seem small but they could leave a big and positive impact on the environment. 

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