VACC: PH lost ‘tenacious crusader for justice’ with Jimenez's passing

The Volunteers Against Crime and Corruption (VACC) said the Philippines lost a tenacious crusader for justice as it mourned the passing of its founding chairman Dante Jimenez.

Presidential Anti-Corruption Commission chairperson Dante Jimenez
(PNA file photo / MANILA BULLETIN)

VACC president Arsenio Evangelista made the statement after it was reported that Jimenez died due to aortic aneurysm on Friday evening. He was 68.

In a statement, Evangelista described Jimenez as someone who believes that justice is for everyone.

“Dante Jimenez devoted his life to an advocacy against crime and corruption, and an espousal of good governance,” he said Saturday afternoon.

“He believed that justice is not for the privileged few but for all. Our country has lost a crusader of historic stature,” he added.

Jimenez founded the VACC in 1998.

Despite his death, Evangelista hopes that the youth would be inspired by Jimenez's dedication to promote justice and transparency.

“Today we mourn, but with confidence that the movement and citizens’ awareness will spread and flourish; and that future generations of Filipinos will be inspired by the memory of Dante Jimenez as a pioneering and resolute champion of justice and transparency in government affairs,” he said.

Jimenez joined the Duterte administration in January 2018 as chairman of the Presidential Anti-Corruption Commission (PACC).

Almost two years later, Jimenez was named as co-chairperson of the Inter-Agency Committee on Anti-Illegal Drugs (ICAD), replacing Vice President Leni Robredo.

Dedicated worker

In a statement Saturday afternoon, Presidential spokesman Harry Roque said Jimenez was dedicated to advocating for a peaceful society.

“PACC Chair Jimenez spent most of his productive life advocating a just and peaceful society for Filipinos by fighting criminality and corruption,” he said.

“May the perpetual light shine upon him, and may the soul of Mr. Jimenez rest in eternal peace,” he added.


Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Salvador Panelo expressed his condolences to Jimenez's family and said he was surprised to hear the news about his passing.

“We are startled and saddened by the sudden demise of a friend, kababayan, and fellow public servant,” he said.

“His strength and zeal will be missed as we continue our campaign against criminality and corruption, among others,” he added.