Amid a challenging 2020, Coca-Cola remains a purposeful presence for Filipinos with every bottle

The challenges and restrictions brought about by the pandemic have paralyzed many aspects of our lives, both personally and collectively as a nation.

As part of its relief efforts, Coca-Cola has been able to provide almost 100,000 liters of Wilkins water to communities affected by the recent typhoons in Quezon Province, Bicol, Marikina, to name a few.

These have been further compounded by the natural calamities that have devastated homes and displaced individuals. Restarting and rebuilding at any scale are formidable tasks, and Coca-Cola recognizes the value of each and every contribution to these efforts.
This is aligned with a core Coca-Cola principle where it has always strived to be a prominent presence in communities—not just during celebrations and milestones, but most especially during times that help is most needed.

Through the Coca-Cola Foundation Philippines and in partnership with NASSA/Caritas PH, the company donated Php 1.5 million worth of rice packs to more than 10,000 families in Cagayan. The sacks of rice were purchased from local farmers in Nueva Ecija affected by the pandemic.

An enduring presence in the lives of communities
In the aftermath of Typhoons Quinta, Rolly, and Ulysses, which left thousands of Filipino families displaced during an already fraught time, Coca-Cola immediately extended help by providing almost 100,000 liters of Wilkins water to affected communities in Quezon, Bicol, Cagayan, Rizal, and Pampanga to name a few. Additional deliveries of safe drinking water are underway to even more communities in Catanduanes, Bulacan, and Metro Manila.
Together with the “Save The Children” organization, Coca-Cola was also able to provide water filtration and household care kits to 100 families in Catanduanes.
“We always go to where we are needed the most. No matter the barrier or the situation, we try to respond and find ways to help people in need quickly, especially during times like this. It is our commitment to be of service to Filipinos and be there for them all the time,” said Cecile Alcantara, Coca-Cola Foundation Philippines President.
With many communities also driven to hunger due to the pandemic and other disasters, Coca-Cola Foundation Philippines also worked with various groups—among them, PBSP, NASSA Caritas, ABS-CBN Foundation, and Tanging Yaman Foundation—to provide more than 18,000 families with food packs, including hot meals and rice packs.
“This year, as we’ve surveyed the toll of the pandemic and other calamities, we’ve been continuously engaging with different communities and households, helping provide for their needs and communicating with them on how we can provide assistance,” said Jonah de Lumen Pernia, Public Affairs and Sustainability Director of Coca-Cola Philippines.
“We’re assuring Filipinos that we will always be here to not only provide immediate relief, but to help facilitate sustainable programs to help these communities bounce back,” Pernia added.

Coca-Cola continues to be actively present not only during celebrations-- but most especially during times that help is most needed.

Helping MSMEs recover and rebuild with Bangon Pinas
Already bearing the effects of the pandemic, Filipino communities have had to weather the numerous devastations of several consecutive typhoons. In addition to mobilizing its resources and fleet to provide aid and relief to affected localities, Coca-Cola has instituted programs that seek to provide long-term aid and solutions to those whose livelihoods have been jeopardized.
The latest among these initiatives is Bangon Pinas, launched by local bottling arm Coca-Cola Beverages Philippines, Inc. (CCBPI). Following the calamities, CCBPI immediately got in touch with its partners to assess the damage—which amounted to millions—and pursued actionable assistance programs.
Through Bangon Pinas, the Company aims to help its delivery partners and wholesalers restart their businesses following the onslaught of the recent typhoons by providing over P3.2 million worth of support to help over 330 partners in NCR, Cagayan, Bicol Province and Quezon Province. Coca-Cola hopes that through this program, these small businesses will be able to recover their livelihoods on steadier feet.
“The communities where we operate and serve are very important to us, and this especially includes SME-partners in our value chain. For Bangon Pinas, our Commercial Team—who have always had close connections on the ground, within communities— ensures that any support given by the Company to our partners are impactful initiatives. As smaller enterprises, they need all the support to recover and restart their livelihood,” said Atty. Juan Lorenzo Tañada, Corporate and Regulatory Affairs Director.
The support covers subsidies for warehouse repairs, based on damage sustained by property, and for the recovery of products—which includes a system to return old or damaged products, such as soiled glass bottles, for new stocks replenishing lost inventory.

Coca-Cola ensures that safe drinking water is immediately available to communities affected by typhoons and calamities.

“We have been hard at work to make sure that we continue taking care of our people—our associates and their families— and every single one in our value chain, including local communities and our delivery partners who make sure that Coca-Cola products reach our kababayans wherever they may be,” Tañada added.
As a company that prides itself in producing beverages that bring happiness and refreshment to Filipinos for the past hundred years, Coca-Cola knows that its commitment to deliver is not limited only to moments of celebration— on the contrary, this extends even to moments where this spirit can serve as a source of hope during the most difficult of times.  
Whether it’s to cross boundaries in the midst of imposed lockdowns to reach out to those in need, or to mobilize its resources and fleet to provide aid and relief to underserved communities and those stricken by calamities, the company constantly delivers on being a significant presence to Filipinos in its every bottle.