Camote tops and dengue fever

By Nelly Favis-Villafuerte

Nelly Favis-Villafuerte Nelly Favis-Villafuerte

Camote (kamote), sweet potato, yam.  They’re one and the same.  This is a plant that was introduced during the Spanish period to our country.  Camote which is a native to tropical America is scientifically known as Ipomoea batatas.

Here in our country, camote is a popular plant basically for its edible root and its leaves.  The young leaves are known as camote tops.  The camote root is usually cooked by boiling.  While the camote tops is usually added as vegetable to our native sinigang (either fish or meat with broth) or it can be eaten as salad.  Both the camote tops and the edible tubers (roots) are highly fibrous and have rich anti-oxidant properties.  In fact, camote has more dietary fibers than many other vegetables.  Camote helps avoid constipation and unbelievably also reduces blood cholesterol and stabilizes blood sugar levels.  And more, camote is anti-aging, contains more vitamin C than apples, and is anti-cancer.

When I learned that camote is highly nutritious, I started eating everyday boiled camote tubers (roots).  That was nine (9) years ago. I also eat for breakfast camote tops (blanched in boiling water for a few seconds) dipped in vinegar at least three (3) times a week.  I just love eating camote!

My sister who is a medical doctor who practiced in the United States for more than thirty-five (35) years told me one time that she received some years ago e-mail testimonies from her friends in US about the miraculous healing of camote leaves to cure dengue fever.  The afflicted children of my sister’s friends in the US just ate camote tops the night before and the next day, their dropping platelet count rose to normal level - (an adult has a normal platelet count of about 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter).

Sometime in 2013, my grandson was having the initial symptoms of dengue fever for four (4) days. Laboratory tests also showed that his platelet count was low and got lower the next day.  I immediately tried the camote treatment by blending the camote leaves and my grandson consumed one big pitcher for one day.  Unbelievably, his dropping platelet count incredibly rose to normal level the next day.

In 2015, a friend of mine (upon my advice) told me that she fed her young child with symptoms of dengue fever with “blended” camote leaves.  Next day, the child’s platelet count went up to normal level and was immediately healed.

For those having the symptoms of dengue fever, I am not advising you to drop whatever formal medicine you are presently taking as advised by your doctors.  Probably, you can take the camote juice as a supplement.  No harm.

Many of us know that dengue fever is contracted from the bite of an infected/striped Aedes aegypti mosquito that has previously bitten an infected person.  Many do not know that just one mosquito bite can inflict dengue fever.  Also, dengue fever cannot be spread directly from one person to another person.  But rather from one person-to-mosquito-to another person.

It’s now time for the Department of Health (DOH) to validate stories/testimonies about the instant miraculous healing power of camote leaves to cure dengue fever.  Instead of taking expensive drugs.  Since dengue fever is caused by a virus, antibiotic cannot treat the disease.  Let’s try instead camote leaves to stop the spread of dengue fever in our country.

It is now time for us to be educated and trained about herbal products for better health and a greater sense of well-being.  Simply, herbal products in its strict sense are those products that are prepared from plants without using additives, preservatives, artificial colors and flavors.

Have a joyful day! (For comments/reactions please send to Ms. Villafuerte’s email: [email protected]).