Crafty Easter creations

Try these easy DIY egg decorating ideas

Easter and eggs often go hand in hand. 

In Pagan beliefs, eggs represented fertility and restoration of Earth as they welcomed the spring season. This belief was adopted by Christians, and they believed that Jesus Christ resurrected Easter Sunday. The cracking of the egg became a metaphor for Jesus’ rebirth—a new life that continues to bring hope to those who believe in Him. Either way, the eggs are a symbol of new beginnings.

Painting and decorating eggs have been a practice even before Jesus was born, and this fun tradition continues today. Families gather at the table to decorate their eggs on Easter Sunday, be it to fill up a basket to give away, for display, or for the egg hunt. 

Here are some ideas to prepare you for an extra memorable Easter Sunday with the family. 

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Aside from eggs, flowers also represent the spring season. So why not combine these two elements? Homemaker Laura Fornacier shares how to do it. Pressed flowers, or petals and leaves if it’s easier, onto eggs using a paint brush and glue. Photo by Laura Fornacier.


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Homebaker and cook Candy Co posted the cutest sponge cakes in the shape of eggs and placed them into the half-cracked egg shells. She topped it off with brown icing and drew adorable emojis on them.


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Entrepreneur Nathalie Toh had a fun and easy activity with her daughter. All you need are six paper cups, washable paints in different hues (at least six), cardboard, shredded paper (optional), foam paper, black permanent marker, a pair of googly eyes, glue gun, three plastic eggs, and a paintbrush.

Paint the cups in six different colors, then paint the cardboard green as this will serve as the grass, especially if you don't have shredded paper. Use the foam paper to cut the bunny's ears. nose, and feet, and paint them. Glue them onto a cup, and add the googly eyes. Use the black permanent marker to draw whiskers and mouth on the cup. Glue all the cups together to form a triangle on the board.

You can also put corresponding points on each cup to make it more challenging. Shoot the plastic eggs on the paper cups to score points.


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Got some temporary tattoos lying around? Why not use them on these eggs? You can use gold, just like in this photo, but you can also use the cartoon character ones. Apply them straight or color the eggs first with paint, markers, or highlighters. Letter stamps were also used for a more vintage vibe.


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The easiest activity is this. Just draw an egg on a sheet of paper and let the kids decorate it whatever they want, be it coloring materials or sticking their favorite materials on it. Have fun!