People power!



UN Sustainable Development Goal #8 is Decent Work & Economic Growth, which many companies adhere to and promote by providing strong career paths and supporting professional growth. Lofty and ideal goals; but the lingering question is how to attain those objectives. This is especially telling in the hospitality industry, where since coming out of the health crisis/pandemic; we’ve observed how employee retention and corporate loyalty have become elusive values. I can’t count anymore via my fingers, the number of times I’ve received calls or emails from those in the hospitality sector; but they’re now dropping a line to inform me they’re representing another established brand. 

The changes in the system of distributing the hotel’s service charge, the opportunities in hotels/resorts abroad and on cruise ships — these are just some of the factors cited as contributing to this “wanderlust,” and constant movement. Those within the industry can add to these factors, and I’m so sure their HR officers would have a field day touching on this subject. It’s been a trend that’s difficult to buck, or curb. 

I had the opportunity to sit in during the Sales and Marketing Convergence 2024 of Chroma Hospitality; and it was a wonderful example of investing in your people and making them “feel” the value you place on them. Bringing together the S&M teams from the various Chroma properties — Crimson, Quest, and Timberland, the event was spread over three days. And there were sessions of serious value formation, coupled with fun team building and camaraderie.

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FRANCIS GOTIANUN speaking on the first night of Chroma Hospitality’s Mad to the Max 2024.

Francis Gotianun, 1st SVP of Filinvest Hospitality Corporation was present on the first day, welcoming all the teams, and he spoke of the hotel group’s developments for the near future, and their exciting prospects of expansion. James Montenegro, country manager of Chroma Hospitality, gave a talk celebrating past and present accomplishments, seconding the motion of Francis on how these were very exciting times for Filinvest Hospitality and Chroma. 

Guest speakers and their topics, included Stephanie Zubiri and her abundance mindset, Issa Litton speaking about executive presence, Ardy Abello on sustainable well-being, and Nikka Santos and courageous conversations. I was present during Issa’s talk, and the crowd reaction was quite impressive. She credited Stephanie for speaking the previous day about soaking up as much relevant information as possible to better your knowledge. And then went on to say that her (Issa’s) talk was not just about what you know, but what you do with it. 

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AT THE CHROMA SALES & Marketing rally, Mad to the Max 2024 — Carmela H. Bocanegra, and resource speakers Issa Litton and Ardy Abello.

It’s all about communication and presentation skills, and being the best in delivery; so your knowledge is better imparted, and clearly understood by whoever you’re talking to. Customizing her talk to the audience, Issa demonstrated how one can’t just speak by rote, but had to know when to change it. Talking to a couple for a wedding reception, is different from presenting to parents for their child’s debut, or discussing with an organization mounting an awards night, and so on. 

One may have the knowledge, the ready information and details; but if competence, clarity, connection, carriage, and consistency (the five C’s of Issa’s 1Lit presentation) are lacking, then there is the danger that the deal won’t go through because you, as a sales or marketing person, did not make the right impression. And Issa stressed how ideally, the five C’s have to be working together, and at all times, to create the desired effect — the equivalent of putting on a game face, even when you may not be feeling at the top of your game. This talk was the proverbial teaser, as Issa has been offering these modules to satisfied corporate clients. 

Issa Litton, delivering her Executive Presence talk. 

Along with the other speakers, this was Chroma Hospitality arming their people with the inspiration, motivation, and tools to raise their skill levels and further their careers. Each speaker addressed a different facet of how this improvement could come about; and how it’s not one easy path, but one that requires dedication and drive. It is a challenge, a “gauntlet”  being tossed into the ring, and finding out who will respond in the right way. 

Thank you to Carmela H. Bocanegra for allowing me a glimpse of Chroma Hospitality being proactive at work and play — and majorly investing in their greatest assets, their people. It’s “Planet, People, and Profit” in concrete action, the Chroma way. And we can only hope the sales and marketing teams appreciate these bonding and team improvement activities. And that other hotel groups are similarly finding ways to improve the skills of their people, and promote loyalty.