AQ Prime on MTRCB's summon

AQ Prime, producer of the controversial "Mang Kanor" film, has issued a statement relating to the summon sent to them by The Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) following their alleged "unauthorized public exhibition" of the film.

In the letter dated Feb. 1, the management reiterated they're honored to commit themselves to establish a collaborative relationship with the MTRCB, aligning their strategic programs and initiatives to ensure "suitability" of content viewed by the public in their online platform.

AQ Prime offered to meet the agency's representatives to create a "harmonious relationship" and promote MTRCB's ultimate end goal - "protection of the viewing public," particularly the youth.

"This letter affirms AQ Prime's pledge to MTRCB to cooperate to the extent of its mandate under your good stewardship and leadership. We are committed to comply with the necessary requirements and uphold our goal to help the Philippine movie industry," they promised.

"We appreciate all comments and look forward to having a good partnership with MTRCB and the government as a whole. We wish to say our thankfulness and look forward in our collaboration that will mark the epoch of Philippine movie industry's greatness."