Precision agriculture may be the way to go amidst environmental uncertainty

Agriculture is considered the backbone of many developing nations worldwide. During a forum in Pakistan, experts shared a collective call for countries to adopt precision agriculture to ensure food systems sustainability.

Photo by Jason Blackeye/Unsplash

Precision agriculture is an integrated crop management system that aims to match the kind and amount of inputs with the actual crop needs for specific areas within a farm. This kind of agriculture is reliant on artificial intelligence, the internet of things, and satellites, among others. 

Khan Faraz, an agriculture expert, shared that as the world heads towards the use of smart machines and big data, it is also critical for agriculture to move forward and embark on the so-called fourth agricultural revolution. 

“In view of these situations, it is now the need for technology-based smart agriculture to enhance productivity in the backdrop of climate change, food security, other variability, and external influences. The use of artificial intelligence like Soil and Water Assessment Tools (SWAT) and drone imagery enables resource consumption in a smart and sustainable manner," he shared.

Faraz stressed that precision agriculture will ensure higher crop yields despite the environmental variability. It will also make farming sustainable through the efficient use of resources and well-calculated impacts on the environment. 

Regardless of how innovative precision agriculture may be, its positive impacts will only be felt if the said technologies trickle down to smallholder farmers through accessible financial and educational assistance initiatives. 


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