Leaving the calendar behind


On Monday, I turn 32. And as a good friend jokingly teased me, I am officially off the calendar. Every trip around the sun is something to be grateful for. Another 365 days of renewed opportunities, and days to fill with memories. As I leave 31 behind, I put together a list of 31 learnings (in no particular order) that stood out to me, and was re-affirmed this past year, hoping to remind you in one way or another that life, though not always according to plan, is beautiful when we choose for it to be.

  1. You are where you are supposed to be.

  2. I will paraphrase something I read somewhere along the lines of “God has a purpose for your life no one else can fulfill.” Accept this notion, surrender, and all will fall into place.

  3. Change is inevitable. It is the only constant in this world. Go with the flow, and reach higher heights when you do instead of resisting it.

  4. You cannot change people. Stop trying to fix their problems.

  5. A snake will shed its skin, but will always be a snake.

  6. Know who your true friends are, and distinguish them from avid acquaintances and social media friends.

  7. There is extreme value in keeping a small circle.

  8. More is not always merrier.

  9. All will be well and beautiful in God’s good time.

  10. With privileges (and great power) comes responsibility – and I heard this from my late grand-aunt and repeatedly from my mother long before I knew JFK and Spiderman had said the same.

  11. God will never put a good man down.

  12. What goes around comes around. Always. Do not be bitter, be better.

  13. No one wants to lose. It is painful not to win. But everyone has their time to shine.

  14. Less said, less done. Nothing said, nothing done.

  15. A smile speaks a thousand words, and silence sometimes resonates the loudest – it can be deafening, actually.

  16. At our lowest points, we oftentimes meet the greatest. Remember who they are.

  17. The kindest (and sometimes most reserved) of people are oftentimes those who have gone through the most in life because they know that compassion and care matter. Cherish them.

  18. Live in the moment, and seize the day.

  19. The present is truly a gift, and so is our freedom, and ability to live a life free of fear.

  20. There is a difference between happiness and contentment.

  21. Someone you least expect will come into your life, and change you in the best ways. You will grow for the better.

  22. True strength is not measured. It is seen, it is felt.

  23. Integrity is doing the right thing even when the wrong is somewhat, sometimes socially acceptable. It is knowing, and following your moral compass.

  24. Loyalty is standing up for someone when their backs are turned.

  25. The greatest friends are not always those who you have known the longest. Rather, they are the ones who come around at unforgettable moments.

  26. Value creativity and originality. Seek purpose in all that you do – success and fulfillment will follow.

  27. Puppies are love and happiness personified. And while they can be a handful, you are their world, and the only way they know how to love is unconditionally.

  28. Only you can give others the license to make you feel inadequate. Show them that you are greater than their thoughts and assumptions.

  29. You have nothing to prove to anyone, but yourself.

  30. It is only in loving, and putting yourself first that you are able to love others wholeheartedly.

  31. God loves you.