CIW in Mandaluyong City frees 26 more prisoners

Correctional Institution for Women

Twenty-six more persons deprived of liberty (PDLs) were released from the Correctional Institution for Women (CIW) in Mandaluyong City.

Those released from Jan. 14 to 28 had either been acquitted of their criminal charges, served their prison terms, or granted parole and probation, the CIW said in a statement.

Last Jan. 3 to 12, the CIW released 12 PDLs who had been acquitted, served their jail terms or granted parole.

“Amidst the pandemic, CTSSupt. Hylene C. Pancho of the CIW is endeavoring to have more PDLs releases to comply with Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) Director Gerald Q. Bantag’s Decongestion Program,” the CIW said.

“Despite their incarceration, said released PDLs have been reformed and radically changed,” it said.

“They have been through difficult times, but with the institution's reformation programs, they are now on the positive side to re-enter society since they now have knowledge and occupational skills developed while incarcerated,” it added.

It noted that those released came out negative for COVID-19 after their antigen tests. They were also given gratuities and recommendation letters, it also said.

In releasing the 26 women, the CIW said “COVID-19 guidelines were strictly followed throughout the process.”

In 2021, BuCor released a total of 4,610 PDLs from its seven prison facilities nationwide.

The prompt release of qualified PDLs helped in decongesting prison facilities amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, BuCor said.