The January jam


Alex Eduque

It is hard to believe that we are entering the last week of the first month of the year. In as much as the holidaze caused frenzy and pandemonium, this month seems to have once again flown us by. For many, this first month of the year was a most stressful one – as numbers turned into names, and as households were caught blindsided by omicron one after the other. We thought we knew it all, but indeed, there is so much more we have yet to learn. Again, another life lesson flashed right before our very own eyes – the more we think we know, the less we actually do.

A lot of experiences we have gone through – even if you were one of the lucky ones spared – as a greater community this past month has indeed humbled us. Truly, life remains our greatest teacher, and faith, our most staunch of allies. Everyday for us remains a reminder to live life armed with the knowledge and precautions of what we do know, yet, to keep an open and steadfast mind to learn more and be receptive. Most importantly, we must work on our humility to surrender every single day when the situation calls. After all, at our most helpless of moments, what is there left for us to do? And this spells the difference in my opinion between the practicing faithful, those who only pray and turn to God when they are desperate, the agnostics and the atheists. In the same way that God constantly tries and tests us, He too listens, and I am very much aware of this. In a time where uncertainty and anxiety have desperately taken over, those who pray everyday seem to be able to carry an inexplicable calm with them, that those who otherwise only pray when the need arises do not fully understand.

And then there are those who let science govern them, and ignore faith completely. Yet sometimes, it is only when we are enveloped with fear that we realize there is a greater power who governs our lives.

All I know is, regardless of our outlook in life, it takes different lessons for us to learn, but eventually, we will.

So never take another day, or your good health for granted. Make the most out of every moment, and let those you love know that you are grateful for them. Relish in the slow living that we are seemingly in again to ponder, pray, and reflect on what truly matters to you.

Lastly, never forget the importance of respecting others, and what they stand for, even if it drastically differs to your own thoughts and opinions. At the end of the day, when all is said and done, and the gloomy days seem to have fizzled away, what people never forget is how you have made them feel – especially at their lowest points.

At a time when we seemingly have control of so much less than we used to, use what you can control to bring light to the lives of those around you. Be a positive force, a beacon of hope and spread kindness. Sometimes, it even takes as little as just keeping a nasty comment to yourself. You will be surprised at the difference you are able to make.