Is NCR ECQ Failing?

Using Facebook’s data for good, I tracked the movements of FB users on Aug 7 and 8, 2021. I wanted to confirm a reduction in travel from NCR. This is the expectation of a “ECQ lockdown”. But the opposite is in fact happening. I chart this map to show this alarming graphic. 

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<p>The red lines mean that these travel lines indicate MORE travel when compared to PRE-pandemic levels. Not this runs contrary to our expectations of how a lockdown might work. Travel is still allowed for APORs (Authorized persons outside of Residence), but these would be SMALLER in numbers. Why are we seeing 87.5% MORE travel from Las Pinas to Manaoag, Pangasinan? These numbers don’t match expectations. </p>
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<p>Here is the complete table of areas where we see MORE travel from NCR:</p>
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<p>There is a seeming “flight to Safety” of residents particularly from Las Pinas and Pasig to hometowns. This raises serious alarms ringing. For if these residents are fleeing areas with known Delta cases (<a href=, there is a high chance that they are carriers. They could be spreading the more contagious Delta variant back to their hometowns. 

Unless the National and Local governments work together to enforce border controls, I fear that Delta variant will inevitably spread to all corners of the Philippines. This should be a wake up call for us all.