Relatives, friends of 'Human Rights Day 7' vow that the suspects are innocent

The families and friends of “Human Rights Day 7,” composed of the arrested labor organizers and a journalist, on Monday testified to the innocence of their loved ones following their last week’s arrest for illegal possession of firearms and explosives.

(photo from KARAPATAN)

They spoke at a media briefing held at the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) in Quezon City, where they maintained that the HRD7 are innocent and some of them even don’t know how to hold a gun, much less own explosives and other types of firearms.

Diana Zapata, the wife of Dennise Velasco of Defend Jobs Philippines, said that her husband will not even think about putting firearms in their room.

“He’s a normal person who likes sports, basketball, plants. He likes growing plants and not planting evidence. He’s a good husband. I’m here because I want to prove that he is innocent,” she said.

Velasco’s mother, Alice, also maintained that her son is a good person, adding that she never would’ve thought that her son will go through something like this.

Lander Esparago, the eldest son of Rodrigo Esparago of Sandigang Manggagawa ng Quezon City, said that his father never liked guns. “What they’re accusing him of is impossible.”

Ella Durana, the wife of Mark Ryan Cruz, also belied the accusations against the activists. She said that their family is used to Cruz not being around because they know that he’s with the people he wants to serve—the workers.

“I’m here because I want to prove that he’s a good person. If there’s one thing that he holds dear, it is his laptop, which he uses to write about the plight of the workers,” she added.

Carl Justin, son of Joel Demata of Solidarity of Labor Rights and Welfare (SOLAR), said that all his father wants is to help workers.

“We are not going to back down until we see justice served for our father and for everyone who was arrested,” he said.

Ram Penaverde, a friend of Jaymie Gregorio, the regional council member of Kilusang Mayong Uno (KMU), said that his friend only knows how to hold a ladle and pan, much less a gun.

Aside from Cruz, Esparago, Velasco, Demate, and Gregorio, Romina Astudillo, and journalist Lady Ann Salem of Manila Today were also arrested during the International Human Rights Day on Thursday (December 10).

Their families called on the government for their release and thanked the CHR for reiterating its commitment to investigate what they call the illegal arrests of the activists.