Casting Sensitive Actor (SA) and Youthful Talent (YT) in a project was viewed with cynicism. After all, SA has more experience than YT, who is considered by the production team as someone who might be worthy of a break. With the pandemic and everyone scrambling for work, no one complained and the project rolled.

The project was marketed as a trailblazer and many onlookers wondered if SA would have had qualms as a part of the cast. The production team was surprised at the attention SA gave to YT. Some observed that he seemed to be sweet at YT, and he was taking photos of YT often.

Meanwhile, YT was enjoying the production and even agreed to do online promos with SA. YT was awkward at first given that SA was seasoned, while he still had much to learn. The production team noticed that the two were becoming comfortable with each other, which made the process easy.

One day, the production team found out that YT would often sleep at SA’s pad. Eyebrows were raised, as SA often stays away from talks about his alleged preferences. Gossip spreads fast and soon, people found out that the two had gone to a trip outside the city to relax and be with nature.

Thus, when SA and YT were physically close between takes, the production team no longer minded as they were already thinking of something else between the two. Luckily, the project was well-received and the possibility of a next one was not remote. SA and YT were told to keep the interest in them, as they might be together again.

‘Whatever he had found, it made him a better person. Maybe that's what love was, finding the person who brings out the best in you and eliminates the worst.’ ― Diana Holquist

Her Secret

When Hunk Actor (HA) and Pretty Celebrity (PC) admitted the level of their relationship, a message seemed to have been sent that they will eventually be each other’s forever. Hence, any woman wanting HA would have to do a good job, but PC would not give him up without a fight. Their relationship has undergone several trials and almost ended with a misunderstanding.

The seriousness of the relationship is indicated by HA seemingly living at PC’s home, even if her family is with her. HA would go back to his home, then bring clothes, and return to PC’s home. HA would stay until the next morning or even longer. Meanwhile, PC’s family is worried, as the close-door encounters of the two might lead to her early pregnancy. PC has been warned by her closest kin, who has an idea of that she might indeed be sexually active.

One day, PC realized that HA seemed to be less touchy and their last encounter happened weeks ago. PC thought that something might be wrong, as HA seems to be deflecting her advances. Even if they are together, nothing was happening. She thought he might be having too much of her, which could have lessened his interest in her. PC could not ask HA directly.

Accidentally, PC saw photos of skinny and sexy women stored in the phone of HA. She even saw a picture of a Network Talent (NT) in a skimpy outfit, which was obviously for private viewing. Immediately, PC confronted HA about the photos. HA said that the photos were sent by co-workers and to stop the fight, he deleted the photo of NT.

PC then assumed that perhaps her body had something to do with the declining interest of HA to do it with her. PC had gained weight and she thought that might have turned off HA.

Predictably, PC went on diet and after some time, she lost weight and got her slim body again. She pushed further and achieved the body of NT. Changes happened and HA returned to his appetite for their encounters. He became clingy as well.

A friend was impressed with PC’s new looks and asked about her secret. PC admitted that she was motivated with the idea that HA loves skinny girls. Of course, PC was contradicted by her friend, who believed that PC should be loved by HA regardless of her physical looks.

PC’s response was that she does not care, as she has achieved what she wants from HA and enjoying her time with him. Better yet, she can wear skimpy outfits and post teasing photos on social media, which NT cannot even do.

‘Beauty shouldn’t be about changing yourself to achieve an ideal or be more socially acceptable. Real beauty, the interesting, truly pleasing kind, is about honoring the beauty within you and without you. It’s about knowing that someone else’s definition of pretty has no hold over you.’ ― Golda Poretsky

Not Indispensable

Although past events have resulted in bad news for many workers of the entertainment industry, others saw opportunities that could be beneficial for most. With many talents displaced, networks are hoping to take in the best of these personalities. The popularity and status of such talents can definitely add to the shine of production outfits lucky enough to get their services. Besides, working with various talents brings excitement to production teams.

When a Noted Member (NM) of the production staff of a network found out that the bosses are interested in availing the services of Certain Displaced Talents (CDTs), NM did not like the idea at all.

NM raised the idea that hiring CDTs is an insult to the Loyal Talents (LTs) of the network. NM even claimed that the acting abilities of CDTs are overhyped and LTs are far more superior in the category. However, past records indicated that projects of LTs have not dominated projects of CDTs.

NM talked to Influential Insider (II) to express the above sentiments. II responded that management was still in the discussion process, but interested in exploring a wide field that can be given by the CDTs. NM was concerned because the management was rumored to be interested in a CDT, whose team has had encounters with NM. II had the last say and said that if NM were uncomfortable and have issues in joining productions involving CDTs, other personnel can take over. NM did not respond anymore. In other words, no one was indispensable, and CDTs include people who can do the job of NM.

‘My career is the sum of the decisions I have made. Everyone can work hard, but I work on my own terms. I stand my ground, and once I have committed to anything, I give my 150 per cent. I don't take my work for granted, ever. I know that, forget me, no matter where anyone is, everyone is dispensable. Why would I think I am indispensable then?’ − Priyanka Chopra

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