
(Illustration by Rod Cañalita)

When Stubborn Talent (ST) decided to explore freedom, he went through the journey without thinking of his responsibilities. Abruptly, ST chose his liberation over a flourishing career. One moment he was a prized gem of this network, but then, one morning, well, no more. He just did not show up for work one day, the next, and until he gave signals that he was dropping everything.

Only a powerful factor, more motivating than money, could make someone do such a brave act, which is to leave everything behind. ST chose to pursue love even if that meant isolating himself and condemning his world.

Of course, family and friends were alarmed over ST. From living a frugal life, they were surprised to learn that he has been allegedly spending so much of his earnings.

After some time, ST realized he had to wake up. So, he requested if he could have a meeting with Influential Insider (II). At the meeting, II gave answers that ST probably did not expect. ST asked if he could have work. Bluntly, II said there was no offer for him now and even in the near future.

When his family learned about this setback, all they could do was blame him and His Partner (HP). They assumed that HP influenced ST to be carefree.

ST now has to plan cautiously. Obviously, II is teaching ST a painful life lesson, as well as setting an example to other celebrities.


‘In life, if you are intelligent, you are admired. If you are wealthy, you are envied. If you are powerful, you are feared. But if you’re blessed with a good heart, you are remembered, always. It’s not about the wealth, power, and intellect, but the legacy in life behind those people you've touched.’ – Unknown


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